RM Bridge Advanced Wizard Help

Starting and Using RM Wizards

RM Wizards are started from within the RM Bridge Advanced User Interface. On starting RM Bridge Advanced in an empty project directory, the initialization dialog setting basic parameters like design code or unit system will appear. All further actions will be based on these basic parameters.

The objects created in the User Interface by the wizards are called “Wizard”, i.e. you select Wizard with the right mouse button and select New Wizard Object in the context menu. On doing this the program asks for the type and the name of Wizard to be defined. In the first release we offer the possibility of defining axes and standard bridge types. Available bridge types are:

  • Reinforced slab bridges (without prestressing)
  • Precast girder bridges (with cast-in-place slab on precast girders) 
  • Composite bridges (cast-in-place concrete slab on steel girders)
  • Steel bridges (orthotropic steel plate on steel girders)
  • Hollow box

When the data are defined the user can create the model and perform the analysis by just pressing the button Finish.  The 2 Wizard data is also stored in a so-called GBook. This allows you to exit the wizards without finishing the data input and to restart later without losing the already defined data. In this case, you select the name of the already existing Wizard in the navigation tree after restarting the Wizard GUI. You can of course use this feature for using already analyzed structures as template for a new, only slightly different structure.